Dr Andrew Welfle worked with BBC Sport to provide expert opinion on their report 'How Green are Premier League Clubs?'
22 November 2019
The English Premier League is a global brand and its teams are not just sport clubs, they are high profile businesses. They are now rightly coming under scrutiny questioning their environmental and carbon credentials.
Dr Andrew Welfle worked with the BBC to assess some of the actions implemented by the 20 Premier League Clubs relating to environment issues such as: clean energy, energy efficiency, transport, use of plastics, waste management, water use, food consumption and communication and engagement.
The clubs are all doing something, with varying degrees of commitment to sustainability. There are many actions clubs are taking and shouting about, which in theory should be standard practice across the clubs, for example, recycling. There are also quite a few building innovations within stadiums and institution activities such as gaining Carbon Trust certifications that are highly commendable. The Tyndall Centre will be exploring how they can work with the sector going forward to develop methods to both benchmark and drive sustainability in football.
Read the full report at the link below: