Tyndall Manchester collaboration wins in international competition 'Reimagining museums for climate action'
20 November 2020
Story:Web is one of eight winning exhibition concepts selected from the 264 entries, from 48 countries.
A collaboration between the Great North:Hancock Museum, Open Labs, sound artist David de la Haye and Tyndall Manchester researcher Sarah Mander, Story:Web dismantles the concept of a Museum as a place-based repository of the past and rebuilds it as a collectively curated, global, big-data resource that can be accessed, and experienced, remotely from across the world.
Story:Web uses metadata, artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, and human-centred interfaces to link, visualise and sonify a dynamic and extensible web of data (text, audio, images, datasets) as Story:Snippets. Snippets can be linked in different ways, by different people, to tell different stories, moving Museum collections away from being: assembled solely by professionals; curated solely by a curator, privileging western narratives; and stockpiling objects distant from source communities.
The winning entries will be exhibited at the Glasgow Science Centre in the run-up and during COP26.