Tyndall research on food demand is presented at the virtual ClimateExp0 2021 conference
8 June 2021
Drs Susan Lee & Ruth Wood presented a poster at the conference organised by the COP26 Universities Network and Rete delle Universita per lo sviluppo Sostenibile (Italian University Network for Sustainable Development)
The poster entitled: Dietary Change to stay within the 1.5 °C target. An Analysis of Food Demand in the UK, Sweden, Brazil and China using data from an Integrated Assessment Model demonstrates changes in food consumption between 2020 and 2050 for the four study countries: Brazil, China, Sweden and the UK. To achieve a healthy diet globally and to remain within the 1.5 degree C scenario the modelled global food demand for 2050 shows a 25% decrease in meat consumption and a fourfold increase in pulses consumed. Further workwill disaggregate the different food groups using national consumption data for the study countries and translate these into regional dishes.
By changing diet, reducing meat and other lifestyle changes global CO2 emissions from agricultural land use can be reduced by 60%.