Tyndall Manchester researchers Maria Sharmina and Tim Braunholtz-Speight presented research into local energy business models in a session at the Smart Local Energy Systems: Unlocking Net Zero virtual conference
13 August 2021
The conference was attended by over 600 participants from business and research organisations, and was organised by the Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) on behalf of UKRI's Prospering from the Energy Revolution (PFER) challenge.
Maria and Tim presented the latest findings from research they, and Tyndall’s Dimitrios Pappas, have been conducting as part of the EnergyREV research consortium. They noted that most existing local energy systems don’t exhibit many ‘smart’ features yet. However, many system operators aspire to use more smart technologies, seeing them as a means to enhance the efficiency of their systems, and generate cost savings that can be shared between them and their customers.
A recording of this and all the other sessions at the conference can be seen at the link below:
A report on the survey findings is planned for later this year, and will be available from the EnergyREV and Tyndall websites when published.