New report provides recommendations for sustainable food procurement in Greater Manchester
1 March 2022
The report suggests ways the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) can lead in promoting sustainable food production, transportation and consumption.
The report suggests ways the Greater Manchester Combined Authority (GMCA) can lead in promoting sustainable food production, transportation and consumption. It highlights examples of best practice from UK and international settings and makes 22 recommendations. It calls for the GMCA to ‘be brave’ and become an example to local and city-regional authorities in the UK and beyond in five areas of food policy:
1. Food Waste Auditing
2. Standards
3. Processes
4. Collaboration
5. Investment
The author, Tess Hayton interviewed 20 stakeholders from across the food system including local authority procurement practitioners, farmers, public health experts, food systems researchers and vertical farming CEOs. The recommendations are based on interview data and findings from an extensive literature review.
The report was supervised by Maria Sharmina and Rebecca St. Clair of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research, Manchester. The project was funded by a generous donation from Helena Conlan in memory of her husband Kieran Conlan. The donation supports the Student Experience Internship Scheme, specifically supporting additional opportunities to work on climate change projects at the Tyndall Centre.