New recommendations on the implementation of circular economy business models and technology management strategies
19 May 2022
Dr Alejandro Gallego Schmid (Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering) has published an article in the Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews about the implementation of circular economy business models and technology management strategies in the wind industry.
The study was conducted with collaborators from the University of Mondragon (Spain) and University of Leeds. Building upon practical methods for the identification, categorisation and characterisation of business models, 14 circular business models with application to the wind industry were comprehensively evaluated through the revision of 125 documents, including 56 journal papers, 46 industrial business cases and 23 wind technology management reports. Each circular business model has been examined according to i) business offering and drivers, ii) value creation, delivery and capture mechanisms, iii) sustainability benefits and trade-offs, and iv) industrial challenges and opportunities. Though the results are focussed on the wind industry, the general findings and recommendations are relevant across the renewable and low-carbon energy sector.
Comprehensive guidelines to drive political (legislation design and implementation), industrial (technology and business innovation) and academic (further research) actions in the wind sector are provided as part of the article.