Future Homes
14 December 2023
Maria Sharmina is part of the new Innovate UK project 'Future Homes'.
The project will support innovators in bringing novel low or zero technologies to market. It runs until March 2025 and will be delivered by a partnership between The University of Manchester, University of Salford, Barratt Developments, Bellway Homes, the Energy Innovation Agency, Q-bot, RED Cooperative, RSK Environment, and Saint-Gobain. Maria's work package will explore the national and local policy frameworks and recommend changes for a more sympathetic framework in the drive towards net zero homes.
The Work Package will take into account the findings from other work packages, the existing national and regional net zero and housing policies, and the wider policy issues that impact net zero, such as product safety and standards, levelling up, waste management, air quality, and digital services.
For more information please visit the project page on the Energy House Labs website: